Category: Italy

  • Orvieto, Bolsena, Civita di Bagnoregio

    Orvieto, Bolsena, Civita di Bagnoregio

    Today’s photo roundup is brought to you by the amazing hill towns of Central Italy. This region is remarkable for its rich history, agricultural output (and resulting food and wine), natural beauty, and wealth of things to see and do. We only had a couple of days, but managed to take in a lot. Due…

  • The Road to Monte Cassino

    The Road to Monte Cassino

    From Gargana, we decided to drive across Italy and then up the Mediterranean side of the peninsula toward the hill towns of Tuscany and Umbria. Along the way, we ended up spending the night in the shadow of Monte Cassino, home of a famous 6th century Abbey, as well as the scene of a ferocious and…

  • Camping in Italy

    Camping in Italy

    Most people see Italy via train but we decided to rent a Westfalia camper van and drive around at our hearts desire. We rented the van from a company called Van Italy, which is a small operation with locations in Rome and Cesena, where we got ours. Besides renting the van at $2,000 for 17-days,…

  • Firenze by Night

    Firenze by Night

    We are in a place called Promontoria de Gargana, which is the little nub on the heel of Italy. Gargana is a national park, and a very beautiful peninsula. We’re in full-on hippy mode now, living in our Westfalia. More on that eventually. For now, enjoy some images from a few days ago of Florence…

  • Faces of David
  • The Giglio Cooking School in Florence

    The Giglio Cooking School in Florence

    For our first evening in Florence we had the honour of participating in a private cooking course at the Giglio Cooking School, located a few minutes walk from the city centre. This wonderful experience was a gift from our friends Christine and Mike, whose wedding we are attending later this month on July 25 in…

  • Rome Tourist Blitz

    Rome Tourist Blitz



    We just arrived in Florence, having walked 15 minutes from the train station. We have three days in Florence in a grand apartment with a view across the Arno (thanks Air BnB!), and tonight we’re off to a cooking class (thanks Christine and Mike!). Anyway, I thought I would post a few images from yesterday’s…

  • Roma




    After getting settled early yesterday and dropping off our (too-heavy) bags in our hotel, we hit the streets to reorient ourselves with this great city. After walking (and walking, and walking), we managed to take in the major sites. Today, we’re off to St. Peter’s and the Vatican museum. For now, enjoy a few of…

  • Lost in Translation
  • Laura wants to share lots of random photos with you

    Laura wants to share lots of random photos with you

    Currently Chris and I are in a hotel room in Diyarbakir in eastern Turkey. I thought I could post a bunch of random photos for you guys to enjoy. They cover all sorts of different things and times during our trip, including our Sahara trek, Italy, Morocco and Turkey. We plan on heading into Iran in…

  • Maroc, Morocco, Marocco

    Maroc, Morocco, Marocco

    May 12, 2010 Whatever you call it, Morocco is a sensory overload. Laura and I are waiting around in Marakesh for a bus that leaves in a little over an hour. We’re traveling today to a small town on the edge of the Sahara desert called M’Hamid. We hope to hire a guide to take…

  • The Bikes of Piacenza

    The Bikes of Piacenza

    Like many European cities based on urban planning that goes back centuries, Piacenza has a thriving bike culture. It probably also helps that the city is overall quite flat. Most of the bikes were classic cruisers, and I figured I’d make a small photo project out of capturing some of the most interesting ones we…