Category: U.S.A.
Walking amidst the California Redwoods
I don’t have time to wax poetically about how the redwoods are beautiful and majestic (they are both), or to elaborate on the history of the region, from the First Nations who lived within this rich ecosystem to the clear-cutting loggers who devastated it—or even the first-round conservationists who worked to protect what remains. Wikipedia can…
California Dreamin’
We’ve fallen a bit behind on the blogging what with driving over 8,000km and all (that’s about 5,000 miles for our American friends). We’re currently chillin’ in Astoria, Oregon, watching TV and waiting for a pizza to get delivered to our Motel room (when in Rome…). Across the Columbia River from us lies the…
Days 8 and 9-ish: Landscape Roundup!
The landscapes of Southern Utah are completely blowing our minds. So much so that we’re actually getting burned-out on them. You look out the window and see a scene that would leave you speechless anywhere else in the world. But here, it’s like “meh.” Anyway, we’re pulling out of Moab this morning, heading south through…
Vegas to rusted-out old trucks
The road trip takes us to numerous new places every day. In fact, when I look through my photos I can’t remember if it was yesterday or today. Thank goodness all the photos have dates, and thank goodness for this “travel diary”.
Days 5-6: More images from Vegas
Writing is hard, so I’m going to crap out and just share some more images from the workshop we just finished. Laura and I are currently at Bryce Canyon National Park. The scenery we drove through yesterday was as gorgeous as it was varied. More on that later. Just want to thank everyone checking out…
Day 4: Genesis…
Hmmmm… How do you sum up the Genesis Workshop in a few sentences? With the awesome people we met? With the ridiculous Vegas mansions we stayed in? With the calibre of photographic and business instruction we received? I don’t know. My head is still spinning from it all. One thing I can say: this year…
Day: 3 Pocatello to Vegas, baby, Vegas…
It hasn’t slipped our attention that this little blog reboot has occurred without us having explained what this trip is all about. In the rush of packing, cleaning the house, and finishing up last-minute work deadlines, we just didn’t have time to properly explain where we are going, what we’re doing or why. And of…
Day 2: Driving from Shelby, Montana to Pocatello, Idaho
When you arrive somewhere in the dark you try your best to get a feel for it, but when you look through the window the next morning, it’s amazing how different it actually looks. Chris and I arrived at Shelby, Montana at 1:00 am. It was dark, needless to say. When I pulled open the…
Day 1: Driving from Grande Prairie to Shelby, Montana
Happy St. Patrick’s Day! (and happy birthday to our friend Brianna, if she’s out there… somewhere) We finally closed the doors and ripped out of our driveway at 12:00 noon Friday, March 16, 2012. We had planned to leave Grande Prairie on Thursday night to start our 3-week road trip adventure, however work and other…