Category: Canada
Day 3: ICE FISHING – Yellowknife, Northwest Territories – Canada
Ice Fishing! For Day 3 we drove onto Prosperous Lake for ice fishing, something Chris and I have never done. Like clockwork, shortly after finding our location, the clouds pushed aside and showered us in sun. The temperature was a balmy -6 degrees as Chris and Glenn took turns using the auger to drill through…
Day 1 & 2: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories – Canada
One day Glenn and Chris, while drinking, thought, “Wouldn’t it be great to travel to northern Canada, to Yellowknife, together”. I texted Eliza, Glenn’s wife, and asked, “Are the guys serious about Yellowknife? Is it just a guys trip or can we go too?” So here we are. Sitting under the northern lights as…
My Auntie Cher
My Auntie Cher died this past week, and my heart is broken. Our family has lost a mom, an aunt, a sister, a friend, and really, one of our core matriarchs. Growing up, she was my second Mom. Her boys, my brothers. This may sound crazy, but I’ve never known how to spell her name.…
Day 1: Driving from Grande Prairie to Shelby, Montana
Happy St. Patrick’s Day! (and happy birthday to our friend Brianna, if she’s out there… somewhere) We finally closed the doors and ripped out of our driveway at 12:00 noon Friday, March 16, 2012. We had planned to leave Grande Prairie on Thursday night to start our 3-week road trip adventure, however work and other…
“The Opus” of Belly Dancing – Grande Prairie
It’s been a while since we’ve posted. Our lives have been incredible busy since we moved to Grande Prairie in September 2010. I can’t believe it’s been over 1 year. Our two businesses we started are going great Beauchamp Creative and Beauchamp Photography, we volunteer for the Reel Shorts Film Festival, I belly dance and…
Regional Belly Dance Show in Grande Prairie
I’m happy to say that our bellydancing performance went well yesterday! The entire theatre sold out, and seven of the seats were filled with my loved ones and friends. It was pretty special for me to look out and see my mother-in-law, two nieces, husband, sister-in-law and two friends. The entire evening was three hours…
Purple Party!
When I got the invitation to the Purple Party, I asked the same question you’re probably thinking, “What the hell is a purple party?” It’s quite simply actually. The name is telling you exactly what it is. It’s a party where everyone wears as much purple as they can. Â Then of course all the decorations,…
Dinosaur Christmas Tree & a Cat in a Christmas Sweater?
People have told Chris and I that we look a like. Do you think it’s possible for two people to start looking alike just because they’re together all the time? Take a look at an old couple. Do you think so? Here’s a photo of my parents. Um? Well, at least my mother doesn’t have…
Laura’s Belly Dance Show in Grande Prairie
Here are some still photographs for you to enjoy of the belly dance I performed with my class at a festival here in Grande Prairie. Below this post you can watch a video of our dance. Enjoy.
Belly Dance in Grande Prairie
On Sunday, November 21, 2010, I performed belly dance in public for the very first time. My friend Marcia and I signed up to take a belly dance class together here in Grande Prairie from Oksana at Moondance Shimmy. The class started in September. We met every Tuesday for 1-hour and our teacher taught us…