Day 1 & 2: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories – Canada


One day Glenn and Chris, while drinking, thought, “Wouldn’t it be great to travel to northern Canada, to Yellowknife, together”. I texted Eliza, Glenn’s wife, and asked, “Are the guys serious about Yellowknife? Is it just a guys trip or can we go too?”

So here we are. Sitting under the northern lights as I type this. Glenn’s staring out the giant windows of living room and Chris and I just unbundled from bracing the cold for about 50 minutes watching the lights and maveuvering our camera around.

This is an adult road trip. It makes me giggle and so happy to have a road trip with others again. There are five of us: Glenn and Eliza, Chris and I and Erika (her equal half couldn’t make it due to work). We drove the 1, 185 kilometres on Saturday March 17 (St. Patrick’s Day) from Grande Prairie, Alberta to Yellowknife, Northwest Territories. We arrived at 11:30pm, in time to enjoy a few pints of green beer and pipe music at the Black Knight.

Here are images of Day 1, which was 12-hours of driving/16-hours travel and Day 2



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