Tag: Olympos

  • Animals and Nature of Olympos, Turkey

    Animals and Nature of Olympos, Turkey

    Hi guys! Just to reassure you in regards to our April Fool’s joke (hee,hee) we are actually safe and sound in Italy. We are hanging out in my old stomping ground of Lanciano where I went to high school at the Canadian College of Italy (CCI). Chris and I are both working on photos to…

  • Earthquake Update and a Couchsurfer’s Plea

    Earthquake Update and a Couchsurfer’s Plea

    First of all, I want to reassure everyone that we were well away from the zone of last night’s earthquake. We didn’t feel so much as a tremor, although when I stomp up the steps of our rickety wooden treehouse after the types of huge and delicious dinners we get here, it can feel like…

  • Some snap shots
  • Tree House Paradise

    Tree House Paradise

    Chris and I are in Olympos. Yesterday, it took us 5.5 hours to get here by bus. The hotels here are called tree houses because of their style of buildings. The entire area has a very relaxed, almost Caribbean feel. Little roofed wooden platforms line the river. In the high season they are all covered in…