Tag: Couchsurfing

  • Antalya Museum and our intro to CouchSurfing

    Antalya Museum and our intro to CouchSurfing

    At first Antalya looked like many of the larger cities in Turkey, row after row of off-white or peach apartment buildings all modelled after the same design. But once we started walking around, the beauty of the city was apparent. The city is located on the Mediterranean ocean. It’s natural fortifications resemble those of Dieppe in France. The…

  • Earthquake Update and a Couchsurfer’s Plea

    Earthquake Update and a Couchsurfer’s Plea

    First of all, I want to reassure everyone that we were well away from the zone of last night’s earthquake. We didn’t feel so much as a tremor, although when I stomp up the steps of our rickety wooden treehouse after the types of huge and delicious dinners we get here, it can feel like…